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Ruby Ireland August Extravaganza

Posted by Jos on 05 August 2011.

Who said August is a quiet month? Well, we have not one but two sessions for you!

On Tuesday August the 30th (UPDATE: the venue is The Twisted Pepper on 54 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1 - directions ) the guys from JLizard, an Irish start-up founded in 2010 by Viliam Holub and Trevor Parsons, will be presenting Ruby Logging … its a gem!

LogEntries.com is their cloud logging analytics for Heroku, Engineyard or your own server, and the talk promises to be an interesting one. They’ll be discussing some of the challenges with managing and analysing logs on both the small and large scale and show how Ruby dev’s can integrate with their solution via an Open Source Ruby gem. If you just can’t wait until their talk, you can find more on their blog. You can see that not only Ruby is supported but also the likes of Node.js! Nice!

UPDATE: This meetup has been upgraded to a full-on brand spanking Rails 3.1 release party! And we’re delighted to say Paul Campbell (maker of http://useketchup.com, organiser of http://funconf.com and much more!) has been added to the bill to give us the lowdown on all the juicy features it contains!

JLizard and Engine Yard are sponsoring drinks after the event.

On Thursday the 11th Ruby Project Nights hosted at amworks will continue on their third edition. How does it work? You come to amworks at 7 p.m., bring your laptop with you and once there, if you have any code you want to work on, and maybe get some help or discuss some ideas, you can do that. If not, you can join someone else’s project or the main one we have been working on for the last couple of months, a Rails Engine that provides feedback functionality for your rails app.

As usual, all events are free and everybody is welcome so we hope to see some of you there!