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March Madness with Spree

Posted by Qamir on 02 March 2011.

March brings a change in location for Ruby Ireland (Dublin edition) to The Twisted Pepper and a presentation by Brian Quinn a developer with Spree. Spree is a Rails based open source E-Commerce platform. This should be a really interesting talk considering the E-Commerce space is crowded yet on Rails there really aren’t that many choices.

The choice for Rails devs seems to fall between shopify, albeit with limited flexibility, or creating your own customised solution. Spree has garnered great praise as an ecommerce platform so I’m really looking forward to hearing more about it.

Some blurb on Spree: _Spree is a flexible open-source e-commerce platform written in Rails. It’s designed to be programmer friendly. In addition to a powerful extension system, Spree provides several explicit extension points for providing custom logic for checkout, shipping, taxation, etc. _

I hope you can all make it to Brian’s talk at the Twisted Pepper on Abbey St. March 8 at 7pm. If you are heading along please drop your name here so we can get an idea of numbers.


For more information on Spree checkout their website.